You can of course make these bags whatever size you fancy but to get you started let’s start with a little one!
You will need:
x1 piece of festive fabric 36cm (width) x 23cm (height)50cm Satin Ribbon
Tools and Equipment:
Sewing Machine,
Needle,Safety pin,
Fabric Scissors,
Pen / Tailors Chalk,
Iron and Ironing board,
1. Have your fabric facing down onto your ironing board and fold up your top edge 1cm, then again by 2 cm. Stitch about 2-3mm (using the edge of the sewing machine foot is an easy way to keep it even) from the folded edge all the way along your fabric so you’ve got a nice channel.
2. Now flip your fabric over so your looking at the patterned side and fold book style in half. Where your channel is at the top do a couple of stitches (1cm seam allowance) on the machine, lift up your foot and move the bag up till you are then past your channel, then stitch all the way down and then along the bottom – a big L basically!
3. Trim your threads and corners then turn. Attach a safety pin to the end of your satin ribbon and use this to push the ribbon all through the channel til you have a bit of ribbon out both ends, the poke them through the hole you left when assembling to have your ribbon sticking out of the bag instead of inside.
4. Tie the ends of the ribbon in a good knot near the end and trim your ribbon for a nice neat edge (you can briefly run the end over a lit match or candle and this stops the ends from fraying but of course take care!
5. And there you have it! Once you’ve got the hang of it these bags could be made in all sorts of different sizes, even for food! Please let us know how you got on with this project and if you share on social media tag us in with #bunyippotm so we can see them!