This is one of the most popular necklace designs we sell in the shop – and they’re so simple! Read on to find out how to piece one together….
You will need: 7 x metal arrowhead charms, 8 x 8mm jump rings, chain in a length of your choice (we go for 16″), flat nose plier, wire cutter.
Using your flat nose pliers, hold one jump ring so that the split in it is at the top of the ring. Use your pliers to ease the ring open by pushing it away from you.
Loop the ring on to one arrowhead, and then another. Make sure the arrowheads will both be facing the right way when the ring is closed!
Use your pliers to close the jump ring carefully.
Repeat this with all your arrowheads, making sure you’ve got a jump ring on either end of the piece.
Carefully, use your wire cutters to cut your chain exactly in the middle, so you have two equal lengths.
Attach the chain to either end of the arrowheads using the jump rings.
And that’s it! We have these arrowheads in silver and gold, and both make really beautiful necklaces….